Escape-mental diversion by means of entertainment or recreation.

Hi, welcome to my blog. I created this blog to be able to connect and share with like minded people. You know, those of us that want or need to escape from the every day. I will share with you my experience with art and craft classes I am taking. My projects, My favorite YouTube videos,and blogs that I follow.
I hope you keep on stopping by as I am building my blog day by day.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Free Spirit Mixed Media Workshop with Monica Zunica

Well i just completed my Free yes FREE class with Monica from Hands and Heart.  I loved the class I learned a few new techniques... she encourages to push yourself , not to be afraid .  When I started my painting I really did not like what I was seeing... all these colors one on top of the other , I had no idea what was going to come out. But I kept hearing Monica saying don't be afraid and I let go and I was happy with the background. Then it was the the face and many layers...I can't do this I kept saying to myself again...but there was Monica voice again saying DON'T BE AFRAID.  I finally let go and I am very happy with the outcome. The painting is unique to me. I usually do that when I take a class....I learn techniques and apply it to what ever is in my head at that point. Anyway I am taking another of her class...I have a link to her site so check it out. OH my completed mixed media painting.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


It has been very hard to paint when I have to be a caregiver and not living at my home. I really wanted to have this blog running sooner and be able to post daily but due to a family member's health and me being the caregiver it has been very difficult. But I have managed to sneak a few minutes  and here is my latest mixed media painting in progress..

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Great Blogs!

Hey guys , I have found some Great Blogs...make sure you check them out...some even have free classes . I am currently taking a free class with Monica Zúñiga from Hands and Heart .  The class is call Free Spirit, I am really enjoying it ...I should have my version completed soon and will post as soon as it is done.   I should warn you the problem with finding these Great Blogs is that you will want to take all the classes, by what they are using, read all there post, see who they follow then follow who they follow and hours pass by and you haven't been able to complete your art work because you are following.