Hi guys, I have been away for a while due to work and spending my free time taking care of my 89 yr old mom who broke her ankle. I have signed up for a few great classes but have not been able to commit to starting one. Hopefully this will change soon and I will be able to once again share with you my experience of the classes. But you are probably asking yourself where is this BIG MASSIVE GIVE AWAY...well though I have not been able to keep up with the classes that i have signed up for, I do keep up with my email...and would like to share this opportunity ...WILLOWING IS HAVING A GIVE AWAY...did i mention That is MASSIVE? If you do not know who is WILLOWING THEN YOU ARE MISSING OUT! Please visit Tam is the best, i recommend her highly....she has a great heart. Please see side bar for Willowing, just click on the button and it will take you to the site. Good luck!