Escape-mental diversion by means of entertainment or recreation.

Hi, welcome to my blog. I created this blog to be able to connect and share with like minded people. You know, those of us that want or need to escape from the every day. I will share with you my experience with art and craft classes I am taking. My projects, My favorite YouTube videos,and blogs that I follow.
I hope you keep on stopping by as I am building my blog day by day.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


It has been very hard to paint when I have to be a caregiver and not living at my home. I really wanted to have this blog running sooner and be able to post daily but due to a family member's health and me being the caregiver it has been very difficult. But I have managed to sneak a few minutes  and here is my latest mixed media painting in progress..

1 comment:

Kelly Anne Powers said...

That sounds really frustrating, especially when you had a goal. Hang in there and I look forward to see what you're posting when you do get a chance :)