Escape-mental diversion by means of entertainment or recreation.

Hi, welcome to my blog. I created this blog to be able to connect and share with like minded people. You know, those of us that want or need to escape from the every day. I will share with you my experience with art and craft classes I am taking. My projects, My favorite YouTube videos,and blogs that I follow.
I hope you keep on stopping by as I am building my blog day by day.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Free Spirit Mixed Media Workshop with Monica Zunica

Well i just completed my Free yes FREE class with Monica from Hands and Heart.  I loved the class I learned a few new techniques... she encourages to push yourself , not to be afraid .  When I started my painting I really did not like what I was seeing... all these colors one on top of the other , I had no idea what was going to come out. But I kept hearing Monica saying don't be afraid and I let go and I was happy with the background. Then it was the the face and many layers...I can't do this I kept saying to myself again...but there was Monica voice again saying DON'T BE AFRAID.  I finally let go and I am very happy with the outcome. The painting is unique to me. I usually do that when I take a class....I learn techniques and apply it to what ever is in my head at that point. Anyway I am taking another of her class...I have a link to her site so check it out. OH my completed mixed media painting.


Art Play Today said...

Marisela, I just love this painting! It is so unique and striking. Great job.

patricias fabric art said...

Oh I admired this way bay back I think its fantastic