Escape-mental diversion by means of entertainment or recreation.

Hi, welcome to my blog. I created this blog to be able to connect and share with like minded people. You know, those of us that want or need to escape from the every day. I will share with you my experience with art and craft classes I am taking. My projects, My favorite YouTube videos,and blogs that I follow.
I hope you keep on stopping by as I am building my blog day by day.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

This painting was inspired by a Cuban artist named Matty Marcos.
I have always loved her work…and so does my sister.
The bright colors, whimsical, anything goes attitude.
I wanted to challenge myself and paint using all those beautiful bright colors. So my sister and I every weekend for a total of six months worked on our paintings. 
It was fun and frustrating at times…we both realized that we could keep on adding more paint more lines more and more and more ,  we needed to STOP or we would never get to start another painting. It now hangs in my kitchen wall and once in a while I want to take it off and add MORE.

One day I will own one of Matty Marcos paintings.

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